Woohoo! I got my own web spot! Thanks once again to Barry for setting this all up for me. I guess it’s more of a blog spot then a web page, but I’ll have a lot of my art that I’m doing as well as notes and stuff on day to day happenings.

I kinda thought blogs were too pretencious and way too voyeristic. But I started reading some blogs and kinda got into them. You get to know people…for good or bad, their philosophies, see how their days went…they can be addicting. So, here I am on the blog wagon. Yeehaw.

I got my own special little black book. I carry it with me everywhere. Nah…not THAT kind of little black book, but this really cool little spiral bound book. I love it. I’m bored, waiting, see something or someone interesting, or suddenly come up with an idea for somethng, I grab my little black book and pencil and sketch away. Most of what I’ll have here is from that (or THOSE) little black books.

This lady? She kinda started me off on a story. She works at the Pop Century Resort down here in Disney. Her outfit suddenly threw me into a day dream about a story set back in slave times Louisiana. Hate the outfit. Can you dress anyone in anything more drab? I tried to figure out the looks Disney was going for…I’m thinking either meanial house person/maid kinda look, or one of the mice from Cinderella. I dunno.

But ya gotta love Louisiana. See, I wanted to do a spooky story for Barry and Chloe for Halloween (THE best holiday ever in our house) and had nothing. Well, I started germinating this story, then I had to work in a gargoyle (love those!) and zombies.

My first color book, and fully watercolored book to boot, Dark Mischief, was born.

An early b&w sketch of one of the main characters.

Some preliminary sketches of Master Stephen, and another main character. I had a lady offer me $45 for this page. Darn it…if I didn’t like now I’d need it for the panel to panel stuff, I’d a done it!

Anyway, these are some more page thumbnail sketches and character designs from my notebook that I actually ended up using for the story.

I guess it’s rather like movies. You can’t have a movie set in New Orleans without it being mardi gras and some cliche’ parade going by. Well, the correlary to that in comics is you can’t do a story in Louisiana without zombies.

As for giving the story to Barry and Chloe for Halloween? Well, I think they got it around February of last year. Small oops there.

OH yeah…you can also order your own copy of Dark Mischief thru our own www.01comics.com web site.

I had to have a bad priest in the story. He only appears on one panel, but he’s there. He looks different from this guy. I actually was trying to use Barry as the priest. A guy once told him that he’d make either a fantastic lawyer or televangelist.